This Post Will Be Unworthy of Me.
Warning: sullen, unheroic sentiments dead ahead. Sometimes it hurts me when I am not included, even if I don't really, deep down, want to...

2016: The Year of Finishing
Lots of things are over, including 2015. When I think about all that happened last year, it feels like a lifetime. I went to India, and I...

Famous for a Reason
I have practiced yoga for a long time. Still, certain asanas (poses) make me feel like an amoeba; others trigger my fear of death. I see...

Recently, as I was stomping through JFK's Terminal Four on the way home from an eleven day adventure in New Orleans, I glanced left at a...

This warrior is exhausted. It's been a long road back to health. Bad mammogram, biopsies, lumpectomy and axial dissection, napalm-level...

I have a super girly pink bike. She's my fourth since I began two-wheeling my way around the NYC streets from place to place. The other...

Almost True Detective
Like many, I wanted True Detective, Season Two, to be a masterpiece to match Season One. I wanted it so much that, like a horrible...

An India State of Mind
I woke up this morning with a sentence reverberating in my head from a two-day-old conversation with someone close to me...

Because the Fierce
"We are defined by the lines we choose to cross or to be confined by." A.S. Byatt I writhe when I feel trapped. I grew up in the...

Hands Up
I'm a perfectionist. As a result, much goes unwritten. Not just essays and movies and thank yous and status updates, but the tiny...